Nyheter från Home of Road Safety
Fler intressanta nyheter för dig
Många bra saker händer i “Home of Road Safety”. Med över 20 års erfarenhet har vi förverkligat hundratals trafiksäkerhetsprojekt över hela världen, lanserat många innovationer och höjt trafiksäkerheten till en ny nivå. Vi kommer att hålla dig informerad och dela med oss av våra berättelser. Besök nyhetssidan regelbundet - vi arbetar idag för en säkrare morgondag!
New emotional DELTABLOC® adverts
It gives us great pleasure to present our new DELTABLOC® adverts, which integrate our online activities into a print campaign by using various strong hashtag (#) headlines.
It gives us great pleasure to inform that we are expanding our market presence and opened as of May 2021 our new office in Sweden, which is located in Helsingborg.
New DELTABLOC® headquarters
Our new DELTABLOC® headquarters in Wöllersdorf, Lower Austria is making huge progress.
Hollywood feeling at DELTABLOC®
On March 15 we had the filming day for the production of the Austrian TV show "Made in Austria".
DELTABLOC® wins WKO Export-Prize Silver
Every year the Austrian Trade Commission (WKO) is awarding the so-called "Export-Prize" to Austrian based companies who primarely focus on international markets.