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Novosti iz "Home of Road Safety"

Tu smo za vas

"Home of Road Safety" združuje veliko dobrega. V več kot 20 letih smo po vsem svetu izvedli več sto projektov na področju varnosti na cestah, uvedli številne inovacije in dvignili varnost v prometu na novo raven. Z nami boste ostali odlično informirani, z vami bomo delili svoje zgodbe. Vabimo vas k rednemu obiskovanju naše strani z novicami – že danes delamo za varnejši jutri!

If you are travelling on the road, please pay utmost attention to the importance of road safety.

In June we hosted a series of licensee events at our new headquarters in Wöllersdorf and welcomed guests from all over the world.

In May DELTABLOC® hosted a Family Day - a great opportunity for families and friends of all DELTABLOC® employees to experience our new headquarters.

Upodobitev serije PHONOBLOC® DB NBF

We are happy to announce that the successful PHONOBLOC® integrated noise barrier range has been enlarged with a new superstar product.

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As a professional social media network, LinkedIn is an integral part of our DELTABLOC® marketing strategy and we invite you to follow our LinkedIn channel for product, project and company news.

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