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Novosti iz „Home of Road Safety”

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U „Home of Road Safety” događa se puno dobrih stvari. U više od 20 godina proveli smo stotine projekata u području sigurnosti cesta širom svijeta, stvorili mnoge inovacije i podigli sigurnost cesta na novu razinu. Uz nas ćete imati najbolje informacije i mi ćemo podijeliti svoje priče s Vama. Pozivamo Vas da redovito pratite naše novosti – mi već danas radimo za sigurnije sutra!

Zgrada sjedišta Kirchdorfera u Wöllersdorfu, Austrija

In addition to the previous Managing Director, Erich Frommwald, Michael Wardian, Managing Director of Kirchdorfer Fertigteilholding GmbH, is now also responsible for the business of the building materials group.

DELTABLOC® privremene sigurnosne barijere na reliju Acropolis u Grčkoj

The Acropolis Rally (also called Rally of Gods) is part of the World Rally Championship (WRC) and is held on dusty, rocky and fast mountain roads in mainland Greece.

Novo DELTABLOC® sjedište u Wöllersdorfu, Austrija

In August 2021 we moved to our new Home of Road Safety - the DELTABLOC® Headquarters in Wöllersdorf, Lower Austria.

Registracijski banner DELTABLOC® na sajmu Highways UK

On Nov. 3rd and 4th 2021 the Highways UK trade show in Birmingham brings together all key influencers, thought leaders and decision-makers from the highways industry.

Svečano otvaranje sjedišta DELTABLOC® s Thomasom Edlom, Evom Hofmann i Erichom Frommwaldom
DELTABLOC® CEO Thomas Edl, Owner Eva Hofmann and Kirchdorfer CEO Erich Frommwald (f.l.t.r.)

On September 22nd we had the grand opening of our new Home of Road Safety - the DELTABLOC® headquarters in Wöllersdorf, Lower Austria.

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