Nyheter fra «Home of Road Safety»
Vi stiller opp for deg
Det skjer mye bra hos «Home of Road Safety». Med over 20 års erfaring har vi vært med på hundrevis av vegsikringsprosjekter over hele verden, vi har lansert en rekke nyvinninger, og vi har og satt en ny standard innen vegsikring. Vi holder deg oppdatert og forteller om hva vi holder på med. Ta gjerne en tur innom nyhetssiden flere ganger – vi arbeider for en tryggere fremtid!

Photovoltaic system on DELTABLOC® Headquarters
A major step forward in our Road to Green initiative! Our DELTABLOC headquarters now features a photovoltaic system on its roof, consisting of 174 PV panels covering 353m² with a maximum output of 66.12 kWp.

Complete Product Overview
The DELTABLOC Product Overview brochure gives a comprehensive understanding of our DELTABLOC®, PHONOBLOC®, STEELBLOC® and CITYBLOC® product portfolios.

Happy Holidays
We wish you and all your near and dear ones a peaceful and blessed holiday season and a great start into the new year 2024.

Watch the brand new DELTABLOC® Zero Debris Concrete (ZDC) video
The DELTABLOC® Zero Debris Concrete Technology - ultimate road safety for bridge and central reserve applications.

DELTABLOC® is taking the Road to Green
Our journey towards environmental responsibility is guided by a well-defined roadmap aimed at achieving carbon-neutral projects.