News from the Home of Road Safety
Reaching out to you
Many good things are happening in the Home of Road Safety. With over 20 years of experience we realized hundreds of road safety projects globally, launched many innovations and raised road safety to a new level. We will keep you informed and share our stories. Pls. visit the News page on a regular basis - working today for a safer tomorrow!
Go-Live of Road to Green Website
We are thrilled to announce the Go-live of the DELTABLOC® Road to Green site which explains key facts, our sustainability goals and selected Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).
DELTABLOC® at Milton Keynes Red Bull Event
After a super successful year the Red Bull Racing Team celebrated their 2022 titles last December at the Milton Keynes Homerun - and DELTABLOC® safety barriers were part in this spectacular event.
Visit our YouTube channel
We invite you to visit the DELTABLOC® YouTube channel and explore our videos on various topics.
Highways Heroes Event in UK
Fantastic night for DELTABLOC UK at the December Highways Heroes awards ceremony at Grosvenor House London.
DELTABLOC® Building Awards
Double jackpot for our DELTABLOC® Home of Road Safety! Our Wöllersdorf headquarters has been awarded in October with two building prizes.
Copyright: NLK Pfeffer